We believe that training and education are essential to the development of society. Mosaiko’s mission comprises four areas of activity:
- Mosaiko library;
- Publications;
- Training materials;
- Radio programmes;
- Websites and Social networks;
- Conferences and Debates.
- Civil society;
- Local human rights groups;
- Professionals (teachers, educators, community workers, etc.);
- Events: social weeks and national meetings;
- Government institutions;
- Public servants and public sector workers (Education, Health, Justice, Police, Armed Forces, etc.).
- Action-oriented social research.
- Protection of human rights via litigation and establishing legal precedents;
- Legal counseling .
- Legal advice from citizens and institutions; </ li>
- Judicial Follow-up on Cases of Human Rights Violation. </ li>
</ ul>
Through combined work in these four areas, Mosaiko- Institute for Citizenship contributes to a culture of respect and the defence of human rights in Angola, promoting the growth of:
- Democratic space within Angolan society
- Civil society capacity
- Citizen-centred governance
Founded upon strong evidence-based analysis of the Angolan context, Mosaiko – Institute for Citizenship provides a range of services that contribute toward;
- Peace-building and reconciliation among Angolans;
- Creation of a supportive environment for initiatives aimed at promoting a just and prosperous Angolan society
Mosaiko’s promotion of development is focussed on the long-term, paying particular attention to the most vulnerable and marginalised (women, orphans, the illiterate, the unemployed, low-wage informal workers, etc.). The Institute seeks to investigate the “root causes” of problematic situations and to create inclusive and participatory spaces for reflection and debate, where solutions can be achieved by Angolan society itself.
Our aim is for this research and reflection to be disseminated as widely as possible, contributing to the development of strong ( social) public opinion and a civil society with a spirit of social activism.
Mosaiko does not work “for”, but “with” Angolan society. It does not replace other civil society initiatives, but rather, fosters a supportive environment for diverse actors and initiatives, assisting and supporting their development.

Composição: Missionários Dominicanos em Angola.
Responsabilidade principal: assegurar a fidelidade do Mosaiko à sua visão e missão e nomear os membros da Direcção.
Composição: Director Geral e Director Financeiro.
Responsabilidade principal: definir a estratégia, a política geral e o programa de actividades do Mosaiko, garantir as condições e os meios para a sua implementação e controlar os resultados alcançados.
Secção de Serviços Administrativos
Composição: Secretariado e Arquivos, Técnico Administrativo, Contabilista, Coordenador Logístico.
Responsabilidade principal: assegurar, em estreita ligação com a Direcção, serviços de tipo administrativo, gerindo a informação necessária para que os diferentes departamentos possam cumprir com êxito com a sua missão.
Secção de Serviços Gerais
Composição: Recepcionista; três Motoristas; Responsável pela manutenção / Jardineiro; Responsável pelo Refeitório e Responsável pela Limpeza.
Responsabilidade principal: assegurar os serviços básicos para que os diferentes Departamentos possam cumprir com êxito com a sua missão.
Composição: Bibliotecário e bibliotecários-adjuntos.
Responsabilidade principal: Contribuir para uma cultura de investigação em Angola, através do atendimento dos leitores e da catalogação, manutenção e enriquecimento do acervo da Biblioteca Mosaiko.
Composição: Advogados, formadores e monitores em Direitos Humanos.
Responsabilidade principal: Contribuir através do seu trabalho de divulgação, formação e protecção dos Direitos Humanos para o estabelecimento de uma cultura de Direitos Humanos em Angola.
Composição: Jornalistas, Técnico Gráfico e Técnico TIC.
Responsabilidade principal: Produzir e difundir informação sobre Cidadania e Direitos Humanos e sobre o trabalho do Mosaiko.
The Institute’s mission is not limited to helping any one specific community but, encompasses all of Angolan society.
The Mosaiko Institute, active country-wide at local, municipal, provincial, and national levels, is focussed on contributing to a better Angola, guiding society towards developing a culture of human rights.
Domino effect
Each individual, group, or entity that works with Mosaiko is encouraged to spread and share their knowledge and activities for the promotion of human rights within their community (the multiplier effect).
Professional Team
Mosaiko works with a variety of well-qualified partners and collaborators, constantly striving for excellence in its activities.
The results and impact of Mosaiko’s work are periodically evaluated by independent consultants. The Institute’s financial accounts are audited annually by external auditors.
Get to know the information about Citizenship and Human Rights and all of the Mosaiko’s work.